Sunday, June 20, 2010

Short and sweet

Today three things happened:

1. I finished one of my independent study novels, which I had been working on for the past six weeks or so as I wrestled through brain fog.

2. I was well enough to push the shopping cart in the grocery store for the first time in about three months. Funny the things we take for granted when re-returned to us give us so much pleasure. I've never been happier pushing a cart around a store and actually be there for my roommate the way she's there for me.

3. I ran into "O" in the hall and we exchanged quick and pleasant civilities as he introduced me to his friend on their way up to drink beer and play video games. Uncharacteristically I was dressed chic street clothes as opposed to sweats, was wearing makeup, and had halfway decent hair. O parted with a genuine, "We'll talk soon," as he walked away with a smile. He's not off the hook, but I'm relieved to have a friendly encounter from the elusive man upstairs.

1 comment:

  1. Your always there when needed! You have no idea how nice it is to come home and actually know there is a person to talk to- instead of just a pair of cats!
